Inducted 2009

  • Bob & Lenore Dolphin #32
  • Van "PigTails" Phan #27
  • Mel Preedy #24

Inducted 2010

  • Larry Macon #120
  • Jon "Coconutboy" Mahoney #224

Inducted 2012

  • Yolanda Holder #638
  • Henry Rueden #441
  • Stan Nakashima #176

Inducted 2013

  • Dave Bell #212
  • Robert Lopez #111
  • Cheri Pompeo #12
  • Rick Hasse #115

Inducted 2014

Nomination List for 2015

  • Vincent Ma #2450
  • Diane Bolton #1233
  • Mark Stodghill #851
  • David Johnson "Running Preacher" #1440
  • Kevin Brosi #94

To Be Elligible To Be Inducted Into The Marathon Maniacs Hall Of Fame

  1. You Must Be A Member In Good Standing For A Minimum Of 3 Years.
  2. You Need To Complete One Of The Following Criteria
    1. 51 Marathons Per Year For 3 Consecutive Years.
    2. 5 Time 50 States Finisher.
    3. 99 - 100 Mile Finishes.
    4. 333 - Lifetime Marathons / Ultras.